American Veterinary Medical Association

As an Authorized Representative for the AVMA Group Health and Life Insurance Trust (AVMA GHLIT) in your area, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and the products currently offered by the Trust.

Since 1957, the AVMA Group Health and Life Insurance Trust has offered valuable insurance products to its members. Designed by Veterinarians for Veterinarians, the AVMA GHLIT program offers AVMA members quality insurance products at affordable prices. 

The AVMA GHLIT currently offers a portfolio of insurance products, including new and enhanced plans:

Þ    Medical Insurance - Including New HSA Qualified Plans

Þ    Life Insurance – New 10 & 20 Year Term Life plans

Þ    Disability Insurance – Maximum monthly benefit limits increased to $10,000

Þ    Professional Overhead Expense Insurance – Maximum monthly benefit limits increased to  $20,000

Þ    Basic Protection Package – Including Rabies Prophylaxis Benefit

Þ    Dental Insurance

Þ    Long Term Care Insurance

Each year you experience many changes in your life. Periodic reviews of your financial plan and insurance coverage can help make sure you are insured for these changes and prepared for the future. We look forward to meeting with you and providing a no obligation evaluation of your insurance and financial plans.


Gillian Lotz Hopkins,

Authorized AVMA GHLIT Representative